Friday, July 27, 2007


"I dreamt th u huged me tight,protecting me fr a boy sit next to us in the car.b4 we arrive 2 ur test plc,u kissed my cheek..then u left me.i dunno wh i do next"

That was a short message, sent by someone who was special in my heart a year ago, one day after her birthday. So sweet, wasn't it? A sweet message, and a sweet dream, unless it was a hoax hihihi.

What did the dream mean? I don't know, maybe it was only an ordinary dream. Maybe she didn't realize that she thought of me, because one day before she told me about her dream, she received one bunch of eight red roses, sent by .... I think I don't have to tell the name of the sender (OOT: who was she? hmmm... I suppose she was only a girl in my mind. And about red roses, humm... Do you think I can be that romantic? hahaha. <javanese_mode>Nek romantis koyo ngono mesti ra mungkin isih jomblo</javanese_mode>)

Dreams are strange. Some dreams were ordinary, some dreams have meanings, and some dreams were clues. And some of them can be a nice and sweet dreams, or they can be a nightmare.

An old friend told me that she --hmm... yes, this old friend was a young lady, but she's not Icha hehe-- dreamt sequential dreams about a boy that admired her. Those dreams didn't happen in short intervals, but they were strange. First, she dreamt that the boy hold her hand tight. The second one was similar dream, but happened in a different place and setting. Then the next dream was about a romantic kiss between them. Next, she dreamt that she was picked up by him and his parents and went to the boy's house and met his brothers. Amazingly, in that dream, she knew how many brothers he has, just the same as in the reality, while the boy had never told her about how many brothers and sisters he has before. And the last sequence was about shopping in a supermarket, in a pregnant condition, and the boy stood beside her, accompanied her. Were those dreams ordinary or clues? I don't know, because I'm not an "ahli nujum" hehe ("ahli nujum" is a dream translator). But those dreams were very strange, since all those dream happened when she didn't think about him and she seldom has those kind of dreams except she dreamt about her (ex)boyfriends. hmmm.... The reality of that story is my friend never accepts that boy as her boyfriend (or somekind like that) and never admits that she loves him. Well, that is a very strange situation too ^_^ (It's complicated (TM) hehe)

Sometimes we find dreams are sweeter than reality. It also happens to me. So, I'd love to sleep, have dreams, rather than to face reality that often make my head spinning and my heart disorganized. And I want to have a long....long....long dream now. I want to fall asleep, a deep one... forever. ^o^

Have a nice dream too, my dear.

I'll come to you... tomorrow... the day after... and forever
Maybe I won't come physically, but I will always come to your mind, your heart and your soul


Anonymous said...

wah saiki nulis blog e nganggo bahasa inggris. mentang2 pacare seko inggris yo :)) sing moco sing tobat :))

Ochie said...

....And I want to have a long....long....long dream now. I want to fall asleep, a deep one... forever. ^o^
--kalo dulu ada putri tidur kayanya benar lagi ada Teguh Tidur ^ _ ^ hihihi

Anonymous said...

mas tolong di translate dong..
apa blognya pake 2 bahasa aja, :D hehehe
dulu, ak suka bgt nonton Gadis Pemimpi, telenolvela jaman baheula di sctv..
*lha, commentnya ga nyambung yak?*

Anonymous said...

ada yang berbaik hati untuk mentranslate kan... ^_^

Teguh said...

huehehe... maapkan deh kalo pake bahasa Inggris. Kan sekalian latihan, sukur-sukur kalo ngoreksi tulisannya sekalian, malah minta translate :(

aku emang suka tidur sih, chie ^o^

sepertinya cerita itu cocok untukmu ya, Vi? ya beda-beda dikit lah. hihihi

Anonymous said...

hmm.. sptnya kok pernah ndengerin ceritanya ya? tp lupa entah dr sapa :D

Teguh said...

hehehe... lha denger dari sapa mas? Bukan dari aku lho hihihi ^_^
Semoga cerita yang pernah didengar itu akhirnya happy ending :)

Anonymous said...

menceritakan mimpi kadang berarti bahwa dia ingin menyampaikan bahwa dia ingin mengalaminya dalam kehidupan nyata.... xexexexe....

Teguh said...

oww.. gitu yach jenx? yach, maybe si... tapi mungkin juga hanya sekedar cerita, kan itu tadi cuman kadang to? hihihihi

Anonymous said...

numpang nyengir aja deh..masih kecil gak tau apa2 nih :))

Anonymous said...

nice dream ..

mimpi emang banyak indah dirasakan, tapi sometimes, mimpi juga ndak indah utk dirasakan, apalagi mimpi yg menakutkan, hihi...

sekarang dah gak pernah bermimpi lagi kan?

Teguh said...

wah, ini postingan dah setaunan, ada yg nyambung comment juga hehe.

jika ditanya ttg mimpi, tetap ada mimpi-mimpi seperti itu, walau seringkali membuat takut untuk terus bermimpi (hayah, mbulet)

kalo old friend yang cerita mimpinya ituh, gak tau ya.. gak pernah cerita-cerita lagi, mungkin juga obyek mimpinya dah ganti :p walau pernah sekali cerita mimpi, tapi dunianya jadi pewayangan gituh. bused, gak tau lagi deh itu mimpi apaan lagi :D